to the team behind i

[2021-12-31 14:19:26]  简介:  to the team behind i


Powershell How to get the Certificate thumbprint data

系统运维 Today, I'm trying to get the thumbprint data by using powerhsell command, after a long search found it's the useful co


看到电子邮件写“I will keep you in the loop”是什么意思?

5月27日消息 loop一词在英文里是指「环状物」,举凡状似圈圈或是如圆环状的东西,都可称为loop。至于身处国际职场的我们,最常看到loop的应该是在英文的电子邮件里in the loop的


如何写英语邮件 How to Write an Email in English

9月17日消息 Hi, I'm Mike. Welcome to Oxford Online English. 大家好,我是迈克。欢迎收看牛津在线英语视频课程。 In this lesson, you can learn how to write an


how to move a MediaWiki wiki from one server to another

服务器 how to move a MediaWiki wiki from one server to another It happens every so often. You upgrade yo


The Issue About JNDI Datasource HOW-TO

配置Tomcat的JNDI数据源,是个很“古老”的话题了,网上可以查到N多详解,故不再过多阐述。Tomcat的官方文档里的说明算是全面了,如果你阅读英文无障碍的话,那么可以拜读官方文档。 Tomcat配置JNDI数据源     我在这里想提及的是在配置过程中,遇见的“特殊状况”。我选择的是单个应用配置数据源的“手段”,


VirtualBox 错误:This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU

服务器 VirtualBox 错误:This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU 使用VirtualBox安装虚拟机系统时候经常会


如何使SCCM同时支持BIOS PXE Boot 和 UEFI PXE Boot

系统运维 Learn how to PXE Boot both BIOS & UEFImachines with DHCP Policies and Custom Vendor Classes One of the challenges that


Team Foundation Server 单服务器部署步骤实战笔记

Team Foundation Server 单服务器部署步骤一、 设置Team Foundation Server 安装所需的用户帐户 标识用于运行安装程序的用户帐户,并将该帐户添加到本地“Administrators”组。此帐户为 Domain/TFSSETUP。 一个用于运行 Team Foundation 服务的帐户(例如 Domain)。/TFSSER


Huawei CFO Loses Bid to End Extradition Procedure

BEIJING, May 28 ( TMTPost ) China-based tech giant Huawei ’ s Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou will continue to face an extradition possibility after a cou


Elephant-sized Ant Group Likely to Launch Biggest IPO Ever

BEIJING, August 26 ( TMTPOST ) – Ant Group Co. Ltd, the Chinese fintech mammoth controlled by billionaire Jack Ma, revealed its relationship with China ’ s la


Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to...

想建立一个测试用的虚拟主机,遇到了这个问题: [root@localhost html]# service httpd start Starting httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server\'s fully qualified domain name, using localhost.termwikidev for Se


The URI you submitted has disallowed characters...

XAMPP Version: 1.8.1 codeigniter 2.1.3 设置完虚拟主机后报 The URI you submitted has disallowed characters  错误 有说把$config[\'permitted_uri_chars\'] = \'a-z 0-9~%.:_-\';改为 $config[\'permitted_uri_chars



系统运维 I had exactly the same issue but with Samba 4 exports and Windows 7 clients. It is definitely client side error. After



「I believe that the rise of powerful AI,will be either the best thing or the worst ever to happen to humanity.」「我认为强大的人工智能的崛起,要么是人类历史上最好


To B To C:在未来,什么样的公司,有机会转型成功?

To B和To C的区别到底是什么? 本文来自合作媒体:刘润(ID:runliu-pub),作者:刘润。猎云网经授权发布。最